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Vistaprint – content marketing

As a Content Strategist at Vistaprint, I created a diverse range of written materials for business purposes, from online guides and articles to videos and social media posts.


Vistaprint content marketing projects


As a Content Writer at Vistaprint, I created a broad range of web content, from online guides and articles to videos and social media posts. Here’s a selection of some of that work.


Passion. Perseverance. Possibilities: Freddy Papen of Saffron & Rose Ice Cream

In this episode, Freddy Papen, owner of Saffron & Rose Persian Ice Cream, shares his experience of growing the family business.

What I did: Defined narrative ark for video, wrote interview questions, article, and copy for accompanying social assets.


Nonverbal communication: what it is and how to read it

Understanding nonverbal communication is a key advantage that can set you apart from others. Use Anne Beall’s PERCEIVE™ method to better understand people’s body language and communicate with more confidence.

What I did: Interviewed subject matter expert, wrote article, and created copy for accompanying social assets.


How to pick brand colors using color theory

Learn how to pick brand colors for your business with the help of Vistaprint. Understanding the basics of color theory helps you select colors people remember. Explore the color wheel to see how to combine colors for maximum impact.

What I did: Researched and wrote article, video script, and copy for accompanying social assets.


How to take professional photos at home

Take high-quality photos of your products at home. You don’t need to spend a fortune on camera and lighting equipment. By understanding photo lighting, composition and formats, you can achieve professional-looking photos using your phone.

What I did: Researched and wrote article, video script, and copy for accompanying social assets.

Two people chatting at a table

Client meeting guide: how to turn one meeting into a lasting business relationship

In this article, author and entrepreneur, Anne Beall shares her top tips for attending your first client meeting. She explains how to identify nonverbal cues and manage your body language when meeting a new client for the first time.

What I did: Interviewed subject matter expert, wrote article, and created copy for accompanying social assets.


Small business email marketing guide

Get a solid introduction to the world of small business email marketing. From objectives and metrics to writing effective subject lines. Discover top tips from the experts at Vistaprint.

What i did: Researched and wrote article, and copy for accompanying social assets.